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Télévision Sel et Lumière - émission Église en Sortie, avril 2016
Télévision Sel et Lumière émission Église en Sortie avec Francis Denis ,18 avril 2016: entrevue avec Adriana Bara PhD, directrice du Centre Canadien d’œcuménisme; extrait du discours du Père Irénée Baubien S.J. et entrevue avec Mgr Christian Lépine sur la compréhension catholique de l’Unité des chrétiens.

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Dr. Victor Goldbloom Has Died

The team of the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism is deeply saddened by the news of Dr. Victor Goldbloom's death. The Centre lost a dear friend and adviser and a Board member.
Pioneer of interfaith dialogue, Dr.Goldbloom was deeply committed to Christian Jewish dialogue, to social issues and his understanding of minority communities was unparalleled.
We were amazingly blest to have Dr. Goldbloom as part of our Board of Directors and as part of our lives. We will deeply miss the presence of a truly unique and kind person.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Dr. Goldbloom's family!
May the soul of our loved Victor rest in peace!
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Material for the 50th anniversary of the Decree on Ecumenism - CCCB
"The Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is preparing a series of resources to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Unitatis Redintegratio."Source :
Please click here to go directly to the resources
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